I was given a nickname in college that stuck... gadget girl, geekgirl.... everything geeky amuses me! I had to restart this blog, so am slowly repopulating it with documents etc from way back when. I try to get the dates accurate as to when it was actually written, from the files themselves. Otherwise, meh, the only one that really matters to is me. Enjoy the read.....
Saturday, February 1, 2003
What do you want out of life?
What do you want for yourself? For others? From others? All my life I think I have tried to be the best friend I can be to people: I help out when I can, I try to be considerate of others. In the end though, what is it all for? Men, women... are we really meant to pair off, be a partnership, work together? Is there someone for everyone? And if so, do you think that maybe there is some unreal percentage of people who are blissfully head-over-heels in love with someone, like 1% or .5% really, and the rest all compromise? You make the best life with the one you choose, so choose well? I dunno, all I know is... I haven't found that for myself yet, and don't know if I ever will. I don't like compromising. :)
We moved!
We have moved. Yep, you guessed it... to Las Vegas! So now I am back working at the flower shop I started my work journey with, but they h...

We have moved. Yep, you guessed it... to Las Vegas! So now I am back working at the flower shop I started my work journey with, but they h...
You’re lying face down on the bed, pressing your cheek against the pillow. The sheets are itchy and stiff because you bought them the day be...