Today I got a message from an old fling of mine.... Tim.
I know it's been awhile, and I apologize... I'm really sorry. I just..... needed to apologize to you. It just really scared me. I'm not a person that just lets things go.
The funny thing is.... Tim and I had a lot of fun together. No strings, just spent a lot of time for awhile... you know how that goes.
Then I guess that must have scared him, that we got along so well. Because the reason he is apologizing is because he slept with my best friend at the time. She knew things weren't 'serious' with Tim and I, we were just all having fun.
I think it's weird. To borrow a line from the Doors... People are strange.
I was given a nickname in college that stuck... gadget girl, geekgirl.... everything geeky amuses me! I had to restart this blog, so am slowly repopulating it with documents etc from way back when. I try to get the dates accurate as to when it was actually written, from the files themselves. Otherwise, meh, the only one that really matters to is me. Enjoy the read.....
Tuesday, June 10, 2003
We moved!
We have moved. Yep, you guessed it... to Las Vegas! So now I am back working at the flower shop I started my work journey with, but they h...

We have moved. Yep, you guessed it... to Las Vegas! So now I am back working at the flower shop I started my work journey with, but they h...
You’re lying face down on the bed, pressing your cheek against the pillow. The sheets are itchy and stiff because you bought them the day be...